ANZAC Day march, 1995
ANZAC Day march, 1995
I know that place
Private Arthur G Ahwang on ANZAC Day 2007 after his medal presentation at the service for Indigenous Diggers, St Saviours, Redfern
sometimes they become paintings
Former inmates of Kinchela Boys Home and their supporters gather before the opening of their exhibition at DNAAG Gallery, Kempsey
Occupy Sydney 2011
Oxford & Crown
love is the answer
Jon after swimming
Green Space
Like mother, like daughter
Green Space 2
Redfern Landscape
This is how I feel about moving house
 Finalist, 2019 Bowness Prize  Honorable Mention in Cell Phone Photography in the  14th Julia Margaret Cameron Award , 2019  Honourable Mention in Street Photography in the 2020  Mobile Photography Awards
 Honorable Mention in Cell Phone Photography in the  14th Julia Margaret Cameron Award , 2019
 Honorable Mention in Cell Phone Photography in the  14th Julia Margaret Cameron Award , 2019
 Honorable Mention in Cell Phone Photography in the  14th Julia Margaret Cameron Award , 2019
 Honorable Mention in Cell Phone Photography in the 14th Julia Margaret Cameron Award, 2019
She Wrought Her People Lasting Good
The most enchanting folx are always on the other side of the street.
The Ascent of Us
The Ascent of Us (series)
The Ascent of Us (series)
The Ascent of Us (series)
The Ascent of Us (series)
The Ascent of Us (series)
The Ascent of Us (series)
The Ascent of Us (series)
The Ascent of Us (series)
The Ascent of Us
The Ascent of Us (series)
They Are Us
Garden Gran
Family Chiaroscuro
Refugee Camp in my Neighbourhood
Hope Fully
Pastor Ray
The Ascent of Us (2)
Constrictors, 2022
Seven generations of my family, 2022
Medina life, Chaouen
Medina life, Fez
Waiting for sunset, Rabat
View from the Circus, Berlin
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