
Finalist, Olive Cotton Award for Photographic Portraiture

Photographers in Isolation

Since God's good world began,
Not God but godless man
Made barrier and ban,
And reared each frontier wall.
Brothers, when shall we see
Selfless democracy?

- Oodgeroo Noonuccal, from White Australia

The AUSWIP Directory

The AUSWIP Directory featuring established female and non-binary Australian photographers was launched on International Women's Day.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘜𝘚𝘞𝘐𝘗 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 highlights recent work and makes it simple for visitors to connect directly with each artist, linking their websites and social media accounts to their public profiles.

Empty nest

We watched her grow up.
She was the urgent chirper,
Fledgling flier.
And when spring rolled
Out its green
She’d grown
Into the most noticeable
Long-legged and just
The right amount of blush
Tipping her wings, crest
And tail, and
She knew it
In the bird parade.
We watched her strut.
She owned her stuff.
The males perked their armor, greased their wings,
And flew sky-loop missions
To show off
For her.
In the end
There was only one.
Isn’t that how it is for all of us?
There’s that one you circle back to — for home.
This morning
The young couple scavenges seeds
On the patio.
She is thickening with eggs.
Their minds are busy with sticks the perfect size, tufts of fluff
Like dandelion, and other pieces of soft.
He steps aside for her, so she can eat.
Then we watch him fill his beak
Walk tenderly to her and kiss her with seed.
The sacred world lifts up its head
To notice —
We are double-, triple-blessed.

- Redbird Love
by Joy Harjo


THE #everydayclimatecrisis PROJECT: A Visual Petition

Climate Anxiety is a multi-edged sword for young fol in Australia. It is not just that climate change and ecological degradation are threatening the health and future of children in every country, and every country in the world is failing to shield children from these threats.

It is also the awareness that maintaining the privileged living standard in a first world country like Australia has an impact on people in countries less fortunate.

Children in the biggest carbon-emitting nations are the healthiest, while those in countries with the lowest emissions suffer twofold from poor health and high risk of exposure to the harshest impacts of the climate crisis. The Central African Republic, Chad, Somalia, Niger and Mali are facing the worst threats. Each of these countries is responsible for less than 0.01 per cent of global emissions.

“More than 2 billion people live in countries where development is hampered by humanitarian crises, conflicts and natural disasters–problems increasingly linked with climate change,” said Senegal Minister of State Awa Coll-Seck, Co-Chair of the Lancet Commission. (Climate anxiety in young people: a call to action - The Lancet, Volume 4, Issue 10, Oct 2020)